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Hispanic Trump Campaign Prank - Trump Prank Series

Apr 15, 2016 1.9M views 0 comments

Category: Prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Juan
Prank Victim: 7-Eleven
Rage Level: Moderate

Trump campaign prank call makes 7-Eleven manager freak out!

Best quotes: 

  • “You only interest in hot dog or something??”
  • “You are building a wall between us, I want you to save that for later.”

Body of content:

I pulled a Trump campaign prank call on a 7-Eleven as a crazy hispanic guy, Juanito! I tried to get the employee and manager to tell me who they were voting for, and they dodged all the incessant questioning, but I didn’t give up! By the end of this call, the manager was fuming and ready to call the police. Where should I call next with a campaign prank call? Let me know in the comments below!


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[phone ringing]

Guy: Thanks for calling 7-11 [censored] how can I help you?

Pranker [speaking as Juan]: Hola, como estas I uh- my name is Juanito! I'm calling with the Trump por America. How are you doing today?

Guy: Good, how are you?

Pranker: I'm good, thank you. Okay, I'm wondering if you know we can count on your vote for uh Donald Trump in his upcoming election?

Guy: Uh, yeah I'm sorry I'm not interested so have a nice day.

Pranker: But- but porke?

Pranker: But why you're not interested? You only interested in hotdog or something?

Guy: Uh, what?

Pranker: Who would you make a voting for?

Guy: I'd rather not share that information.

Pranker: No! Please, please, ple- just tell me, you know? I can ke- I'm very good at keeping secrets.

Guy: Uhm, I'm gonna let you go. I'd rather- I'm gonna let-

Pranker: Please! Please, don't hurt my feelings. Don't-don't-don't hurt my feelings please!

Guy: [laughing]

Pranker: Hello?

Pranker: I need to-

Guy: I'm going to let you to speak to the manager.

Pranker: I need you to vote for Trump please, okay? He- He's going to help fix this country.

Manager: Hello?

Pranker: Hello? I'm calling with the Donald Trump campaign.

Manager: I'm sorry you're calling business.

Pranker: Yeah, yeah, si, si, I know but it's my favorite eh 7-11-

Manager: No, I'm sorry sir I don't have time for that.

Pranker: No, no but t-te-thirty seconds! T-t- a-

Manager: Thank you though.

Manager: Thank you though. Bye.

Pranker: [stuttering]

Manager: Have a good day. [phone call ends]

Pranker: Hello?

Pranker: [laughing]

[phone ringing]

Manager: Hello, 7-11, how may I be of assistance?

Pranker: Yeah hello, telephone got disconnected uh, I don't know what happened but eh...

Pranker: ... you know, I volunteered- Hello?

Pranker: [laughing]

[phone ringing]

Manager: 7-11 [censored]

Pranker: Yeah I don't know what happened you know, I keep calling over and over again...

Pranker: ... but telephone got disconnect, you know?

Manager: Sir, if you call back again I will report you to the police.

Manager: We have caller ID. DO NOT, please.

Pranker: But please, please just tell me one thing, one thing!

Manager: No, no. No. No!

Pranker: Please, please, just one favor! One favor! Please!

Manager: Sir... Sir...

Pranker: Please, [clucking] you-you- you're very difficult.

Manager: No, sir I cannot talk about this at work. It's illegal for me to talk about that sir.

Pranker: It's very legal! Very legal!

Manager: No, I'm reporting this- I'm going to report this number to the police!

Pranker: St- stop it!

manager: I'm reporting your number to the police!

Pranker: Sto- stop stop! No, rela-

Manager: I will report your number to the police!

Pranker: [making noise]

Pranker: Stop! Ka- Ha-

Manager: Bye sir.

Pranker: Hello? Please? Uh-

Pranker: [laughing]

[phone ringing]

Manager: Hello, 7-11 [censored] how may I be of assistance?

Pranker: Look, I think we're getting off on the wrong foot okay? Please, I just want to talk to you for one minute, okay?

Manager: Have fun! [phone call ends]

Pranker: Wha- Hello?

Manager: Hello?

Pranker: Yeah, hello, how are you doing? I'm still here... I just wanna talk to you por one minute.

Manager: Sir, I don't care! I have nothing to do-

Pranker: Ple- please! Look! Look, look-

Manager: No.

Manager: I tell you! Okay, at first, I was not a fan of Donald. Right? I- He's like my father now.

Pranker: I'm very big supporter!

Manager: You are? Oh you are... Well you are for oppress.

Pranker: No I-

Manager: You are harassing me right now.

Pranker: You're asking one- look-

Manager: You're harassing this store right now!

Pranker: Right now you are building- [stuttering]

Manager: No more! No more!

Pranker: Stop it! Look! Stop it! Don't slap it!

Manager: No more. Sir, please.

Pranker: Don't slap it, stop it! Look!

Manager: Please, I don't care!

Pranker: You are building a wall-

Manager: I don't care! Don't call back!

Manager: Call back again, I'm calling the cops. I know- have every single one of your numbers.

Pranker: You are building a wall between us.

Pranker: You are building a wall between us. I want you to save that for later... Trump will do it.

Pranker: [laughing]

[phone ringing]

Manager: 7-11 [censored].

Pranker: Okay, I-I'm sorry, I want to just apologize, okay? Do you accept-

Manager: Do not call this store number ever again.

Pranker: Eh- I just want to say sorry! Eh-

Manager: No!

Pranker: Ple- please!

Manager: I agree, that's fine.

Pranker: Okay I just wanted-

Manager: Your numbers are written down, and I will call.

Pranker: Look I just need you to vote for Trump okay? B-O-T-E P-O-R Trump. I have bumper sticker.

Manager: N-O. Bye.

Pranker: Oh my... Please! [phone call ends] [laughing]

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