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Condom Found In Treat Bag?! Animated Halloween Prank Calls

Oct 30, 2016 3.5M views 0 comments

Category: Prank call 
Format: Animated
Characters: Tyrone, John
Prank Victim: Random family
Rage Level: Hardcore

Halloween prank calls about condom in treat bag!

Best quotes: 

  • “Why you being a bitch, dawg?”
  • “Take a chillaxative”

Body of content:

In celebration of the spookiest day of the year, I pulled some Halloween prank calls on a random family using my characters Tyrone and John. Once they were on the phone, I asked why they would put a condom in my son’s trick-or-treat bag!! When the family insisted it must be a mistake, I told them that Tyrone’s kid specifically pointed out their house!

The first two people I spoke to were CLEARLY annoyed with the accusation and thought Tyrone and John were completely ridiculous! Third time's the charm though, because the last guy I spoke to LOST HIS MIND! He flipped out on Tyrone and threatened to “call the LAW”!

The reactions from this family were so good, I had to animate it. What kind of Halloween prank calls should I try next year? Which characters would you love to see get in on the prank? Tell me what you think in the comments below!


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[phone ringing]

Girl: Hello?

Pranker [speaking as Tyrone]: My name is Tyrone.

Pranker: My son just came and Trick and Treated at your house a little while ago?  

Girl: Okay?

Pranker: I don't know what happened, I don't know if this is some kind of practical joke or what's going on.

Pranker: Apparently there was a condom inside of his bag?

Girl: I don't understand what you mean your son came over and trick or treated but...

Girl: ... I don't know who he is and what you need.

Pranker: His name is Billy. He's African American.

Pranker: He came to your house, trick or treated, and when I was open up his bag...

Pranker: ... and just going through candy  making sure everything is okay for him to eat...

Pranker: ... and there was a condom there and I asked "What house did you get this from?"

Pranker: ... he told me "Yo guys" we driving around the neighborhood again, he pointed at your house and said:

Pranker: "I got it from them daddy."

Girl: Okay, we wouldn't give your son a condom and how did you get this number? 

Pranker: You know, GOOGLE. 

Girl: Google? So you Googled our address and our number came up?

Pranker: Essentially. Yeah. 

Girl: Essentially? Okay, well I'm sorry but we didn't give your son a condom but...

Pranker: Wait a minute what-what kind of- what kind of candy were you giving out then?

Pranker: Because he told me, he's like " Yo daddy, I got this from right here."

Girl: Uhmmm, hold on one moment, please.

Lady: Hello. May I help you?

Pranker [speaking as John]: Hi, how are you doing there? Uh, my name is John. I actually had my son come by.

Pranker: Uh, he was trick or treating around your house and uhm...

Pranker: ... he rang the doorbell and got some CANDY.

Pranker: We went home, I was just going through his bag you know, 

Pranker:  making sure that everything in there is okay to eat and uhh...

Pranker: ... there was just like a condom in there and I don't know what's going on

Pranker: I asked him "Hey, hey Billy where-where'd you get the condom?"

Pranker: And he pointed at your house.

Lady: [giggling] Well you know what? 

Lady: Sorry honey but this house does not do things like that and...

Lady: ... your son can be making up a story or whatever-

Pranker: Nope-

Lady: I don't even know who he is or how old he is.

Pranker: No, my son would not tell a lie. 

Lady: Well, we don't do things like that here.

Pranker: Oh wh-wh-what d-

Lady: So...

Pranker: What'd you give out for Halloween then ma'am?

Lady: Candy.

Pranker: Flavored condoms? Is that your right idea of candy?

Guy: What do you want, a*****e?! 

Pranker: HEY! Hey dawg, you better chill out homie! I came to your damn house...

Pranker: ... and I got a CONDOM IN MY BAG!

Guy: Hey go fark you, fark you you mothefarker!

Pranker: Hey- hey- hey- chill out dawg! [phone call ends]

Pranker: You'd better chill with that!

Pranker: [laughing] 

[phone ringing]

Guy: Hello?

Pranker: Yeah I think we got disconnected?

Guy: We hung up.

Pranker: Who's we? You hung up on me dawg.

Pranker: I'm trying to talk to you and you hung up on me.

Guy: I got nothing to say to you. [phone call ends]

Pranker: What? Why you being- why you being a bitch dawg?

[phone ringing]

Guy: Hey listen. That's enough of this bullcrap okay?

Pranker: Hey dawg, you better chill out man I'm just trying to have a conversation.

Guy: No, no chilling out motherfarker okay?

Pranker: Chill dawg!

Pranker: Take a chill pill, take a chillax-

Guy: I'm not taking no farking chill pill!

Pranker: Take a chillax!

Guy: I got your farking cell phone number, I'm calling the farking law right now.

Pranker: Stop hacking. Stop hacking.

Guy: Goodbye motherfarker. [phone call ends]

Pranker: St-stop-stop- [laughing]


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