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Sexy Asian Prank Call - From Landlord To Lover!

Aug 2, 2015 1.9M views 0 comments

Category: Prank calls
Format: Subtitled
Characters: Buk Lau
Prank Victim: Landlord
Rage Level: Mellow

Things get heated in this sexy Asian landlord prank call!

Best quotes: 

  • “I will say it to you very slowly okay. Her name is Haranga Ha Timamangooooyum Teerumgay.”
  • “I know the Asian people love it when someboodee else pay the money.”
  • “I want you to touch me so I can say I have been touched by the angel you know?”

Body of content:

By extremely popular demand, I brought back Buk Lau’s sexy Asian landlady lover for prank call number three! In the previous pranks, this quirky lady wasn’t letting Buk Lau rent from her unless she got a text with his name first, and freaked out when he wanted to sublet. This time Buk is calling back with love in mind and wants her to agree to a date - they’d be perfect for each other!

This lady seems like the real life female version of Buk Lau! Do you think she recognized me this time around? Let me know which of the three calls to her was your favorite!


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[phone ringing]

Agent: Hello?

Pranker [speaking as Buk Lau]: Uh, the hello?

Agent: Hello, yes?

Pranker: The yeah, how are you doing?

Agent: I'm good how are you?

Pranker: I'm excellent, thank you. So you know, I get a referral to talk to you about the real estate you know?

Pranker: I try to find the apartment for the rent.

Agent: And uh, what city?

Pranker: Uh, probably you know like-

Agent: Where?

Pranker: Like the [censored] you know?

Agent: No I don't. I don't have any in [censored] now.

Pranker: But what c- can I just come stay with you for like a one week or something. I can pay you the rent?

Agent: No...

Pranker: Yeah but my fr-

Agent: I even don't know you.

Pranker: Yeah but my friend Rangaha Timaman Goyum Tumangae, she tell me all about you, you know?

Pranker: She said she's so good, she's so friendly, she's so good. She said good two time you know, so you must be very good.

Agent: Who is that person?

Pranker: You know, you know Rangaha Timaman Goyum Tumangae?

Agent: Who?

Pranker: Yeah she-she tells me she is your best friend, you know, very close she fr-

Agent: Who? Who?

Pranker: Her name is-

Agent: Who?

Pranker: I-I will say it to you very slowly okay. Her name is Haranga Ha Timangoo Yum Teerumgay.

Pranker: You know her?

Agent: I don't know her.

Pranker: Yeah, yeah, she said you're very beautiful, you're very friendly so show me how friendly and beautiful you are.

Pranker: Let me come stay with you for one week and we can find a place together. I give you 1000$-

[phone call ends]

Pranker [speaking to audience]: [laughing] She hangs up…

[phone ringing]


Pranker: The hello?

Agent: Yes? Hi, this is Betty.

Pranker: Yeah yeah, how are you doing Betty?

Agent: I'm doing great, how are you?

Pranker: I'm doing good, thank you you know. Uh, I'm wondering...

Pranker: I saw your- your picture in one of the for sales site and I-I honestly I think you are very beautiful...

Pranker: ... and I want to get to know you and some more houses.

Agent: Are- are you looking to uh rent apartments?

Pranker: Right, right, I want to rent, I want to be your roommate.

Agent: My roommate?

pranker: Yeah right you know I talk to my friend Rangah Timamum Goyum Tiramgay and she tells me very good things about you.

Agent: You want to be my roomate?

Pranker: Uh, yeah, yeah, don't you remember me? How many times do we have to talk, you always forget about me you know...

Agent: What?

Pranker: Yeah, you know li-like a few- a few weeks ago or something we talked remember?

Agent: Talk regarding what?

Pranker: Yeah you said you gonna go with me on the date.

Agent: On a date?!

Pranker: Yeah, yeah we go out for like a lunch.

Agnet: Go out for lunch?!

Pranker: Yeah, yeah, my treat you know. I know- I know the Asian people love it when someboodee else pay the money.

Pranker: So, I will pay the money you know, I pay the money, I take you out, very fancy one.

Agent: Oh my gosh!

Pranker: I know right.

Agent: I don't know what you are talking about

Pranker: Oh yeah, sorry if I'm very confusing you know. I want to say basically I think you are the love of my life...

Pranker: ... you are so beautiful, I have never seen a heavenly breasted beauty like you...

Pranker: I want you to touch me s-

Agent: [stuttering]

Pranker: Okay-

Agent: I think you talk to the wrong person.

Pranker: No, no, no, look I want you to touch me so I can say I have been touched by the angel you know?

Pranker [speaking to audience]: [laughing] She never farking remembers me. It's so funny...

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